
Media Relations

About Service

Over more than two decades, we have cultivated strong relationships with the media in Egypt. knowing which subjects and topics are covered by specific journalists. Publications must be understandable in order to position a brand and reach the appropriate target audience.

We are proud to say that our media relations across all platforms are immaculate, and we can leverage quality media coverage for our clients.

We engaged editors around stories that build long-term recall and long-lasting relationships away thus through the media muddle.

Promania has a great reputation for successful campaigns, spreading our clients'key messages and boosting their brand awareness to the general public and target audience through our positive and strong relations with key media.

What Is Included
in Media Relations?

The role of media relations is to educate the media on your
business so they just, in turn, find something of interest or value
to share with their audiences.
At Promania, we are using our public relationships along with resources and hard work to build a trusted reputation and loyalty for your brand.
We believe that one of the key elements in Public Relations is being good at it, That's what keeps our clients at the top of the game.
Solid media relations are fundamental for any company seeking to increase its visibility in the media.
We have cultivated strong relationships with media from editors, and reporters in print and online.
Over the years we have built trust in our media partners who know that they can lean on us to provide them with credible stories.

Look at the numbers :

Over the last decade, Promania has
eagerly paved its way to the top, Crowning
this eagerness withhard work, knowledge, and a vast
amount of experience in advertising and marketing
in all aspects.

Our clients

384 Client

We have provided many services to various numbers of clients in the Middle East.


267 Event

We have organized and prepared a huge number of events with a high level of quality.


450 Website

We connect our client's businesses to the internet through easy websites with creative designs.


800 Booths

We are developing an enormous number of huge companies in the Middle East.

You can lean on us to be
your backers in marketing.

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